ABC News reports:
The program director of the Victoria, Texas, office of the state's Child Protective Services had said she was scared about threats she had received only days before her body was found in a field in a rural part of the southeastern Texas county.My advice is to not even raise your voice with these creeps, or you will be a suspect. I first met the CPS agent in my case when she showed up at my house with two armed cops from the local sheriff's office. My kids were in school, so the cops had nothing to do with the kids.
Victoria County employees discovered the body of 53-year-old Sally Blackwell off a paved county road on Wednesday while investigating an unrelated report of trash dumping. ...
Crimmins described a recent incident last week when "a couple of individuals" with a current pending case paid a visit to the Victoria office of Child Protective Services. Blackwell was in a meeting, and one of her assistants spoke to the visitors in the reception area, Crimmins said. The individuals apparently "raised their voices" but left before security was called.
"That is the incident that is being talked about. That is the only one that we at the agency know that happened," Crimmins said. ...
Kincaid said there were several "persons of interest" in the ongoing investigation.
"Any time you take children away from people, people are not happy," Kincaid said. "There are potentially other issues."
Threats Not Uncommon for Social Workers
Employees of Texas Child Protective Services "investigate reports of possible abuse and neglect of children, and, if necessary, place children in foster care." According to an agency statement, "new and current employees receive training about workplace violence, dealing with difficult or hostile clients, visiting clients in the home, and personal security."
"The nature of the work is such that threats are not uncommon," Crimmins said. "You are personally investigating, knocking on doors, and trying to find out if cases of child abuse and child neglect can be confirmed. It is a very high-stress job."
Attacks on agents are very rare. It is not high-stress because of that. The stress comes from the fact that CPS is doing something that millions of Americans think is evil. They wreck family and impose their prejudices on others, and they do it without due process. They vindictively punish those who stand up for their rights and the rights of their kids.
The Santa Cruz Sentinel has another story about a new protest movement, and the local branch, occupysantacruz.org:
Occupy Santa Cruz is a nonviolent movement for accountability in the United States government and our economic system. We will gather in solidarity with the ongoing protest in New York City, Occupy Wall Street, and the growing number of cities (now over 300) whose people will no longer sit back watching corporate and special interests run their government. We are citizens of the United States, and this country is ours. We will take it back.They have a public meeting downtown today, at 6:00 pm. They have gained a lot of momentum rapidly, and a lot of press coverage. We should watch them, and learn from them. Note that they do not intend to get destroyed by a few bad apples making violent threats or actions.
Occupy Santa Cruz will not tolerate calls to violence, drugs or illegal activity (property destruction etc). Please find a different place to debate those topics, and if you become aware of any topics of this matter PLEASE let us know so we can take the proper actions against instigators. Thank you so much!
The picture may look strange, but it is a familiar sight in Santa Cruz. It is a sea otter.
First, I do not know if this is related to a CPS case that caused crime. Certainly sad somebody died for any issues. Please reject all forms violence.
Many people in law said to me people are pushed to extremes by the system. People get traumatized and shocked when they are falsely accused and esp kids taken away temporarily/ permanently. Nobody listens to them to explain the truth and then system wants them to bring money, time and throw a wall in between for a simple truth.
Now, in addition, public will be against them because "Doubt" dynamics. Once accused by system/adversaries, public will vilify innocents because of doubt and unverified perceptions. This public doubt works for system and adversaries to set you up more. They just set you up big way!
So these people get isolated and exhausted. People need other people to emotional support in their struggles. When nobody listens, they go disconnected. I personally constantly seek other people emotional listening to channel my pain and suffering about how hard to be single parent and raising few children while constantly under government control and evil doers.
I do not know what and why happened on this story. We need grass root organization help family courts victims so they could channel energies constructively into a positive action at every local community levels. But organization must support actively to help victims.
I am here to help build such a non-profit initiative and a movement. I seek advice, guidance and your talents to build such org. You could email ChildrenUnlimted@hotmail.com
We need to build grass root organization to connect family court victims and passionate people into a positive action.
“Children/ Youth Unlimited Initiative” which empowers and protects children unlimited potential (∞) and provides children with high-level opportunity to each kid to excel and promote a better life while protecting them from all forms of exploitation from various concerns.
Mission Statement: (Some samples from existing companies which resonates with me)
- to protect kids from abuse/neglect from the systems designed to protect them.
- to protect human rights of individuals/groups from injustices
- to connect legal representation through class action and impact litigation
-Develop programs to protect children from various forms of exploitations; Provide victims connecting/voluntary resources
-Work with various government/private/public organizations to empower and protect children from injustices and common sense rights
-Connect with various children organizations to empower and provide ecoSystem
-Independent watchdog to causes of children and families; Educate public
-Develop programs to defend rights of children and work with programs that affect children rights
Rise up to a positive active engagement!
Error in email address of previous comment. Email is
Somebody just pointed this to me "They took CPS to court and asked for an order of protection, which the judge granted. The court ordered CPS to stay away from the girl and stop harming the chld in the name of “protecting” her."
Crime and Punishment
Texas teen gets restraining order against Child Protective Services
14 year old girl's parents file for order of protection against CPS
September 30th, 2011 by Jessica King | Permalink
Teen and her family just want CPS to leave them alone so they sue them and win.
A 14 year old Texas teen reportedly had to endure alleged abuse in a group home where she resided for a year and a half, having been taken away from her family over an incident which was reported by KHOU TV to be a misunderstanding. The girl eventually ran away from the group home and the girls parents found her after a case worker called her home and reported her missing. The family’s lawyer claims that the case worker told the family that ‘if they found her, they could keep her’.
The family’s lawyer contends that thousands of children are needlessly taken from their families every year and placed into foster homes or group homes where they are abused.
The girl’s family decided to fight back. They took CPS to court and asked for an order of protection, which the judge granted. The court ordered CPS to stay away from the girl and stop harming the chld in the name of “protecting” her.
The National Coalition for Child Protection Reform says this is the first time they’ve heard of filing restraining orders against Children and Family Services. The family of the teen hopes that this sends a message to CPS agencies nationwide — to help children in real danger and stop using valuable resources to place children who are loved in abusive situations.
Moral values in our system is mostly destroyed.System has built incentives that majority who enters into government and its affiliates get corrupted soon. These incentives also corrupts public so they could take advantage instead of being held responsible.
We need an "Honor Rally against protecting children and innocents and their families.
Kids are supposed to have either neutral or positive unconscious parental figures, mom or dad. This insidious game of destroying those bonds in children and playing with children potential is unacceptable.
We need to create a movement to stop this exploitation from various concerns.
We need as society strictly hold honor values at every place. Power, greed and control can not take those away. We must adhere to accountability, transparency, punishment, justice for all including full representation for indigent and middle class people.
- childrenunlimited@hotmail.com
Here is one of the views on "Impact Litigation" - ChildrenUnlimited@hotmail.com have been talking about to support. We need active engagement like this to re-open crimes against children.
San Jose, CA
Foster Parents; Lawsuit won. Unlawful child removal
just awarded 3.25 Million in damages to one family who suffered the loss of their children, unlawful seizure of their children, a victory for parents across the United States who are victims of this agency, CPS
The verdict returned unanimous against the officers who participated in this illegal removal of these children from their home. The officers responded to an unverified allegation of abuse, we do not know whether that claim was via the “child abuse hotline”
Foster Parents; Lawsuit won. Unlawful child removal
By Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Foster Parents; Lawsuit won, unlawful child removal. We, in keeping our finger on the pulse of across our nation have discovered a news story of interest to you, news affecting all parents dealing with CPS. Here, is the latest news. A federal jury in San Jose, CA. just awarded 3.25 Million in damages to one family who suffered the loss of their children, unlawful seizure of their children, a victory for parents across the United States who are victims of this agency.
The verdict returned unanimous against the officers who participated in this illegal removal of these children from their home. The officers responded to an unverified allegation of abuse, we do not know whether that claim was via the “child abuse hotline”.
The two officers responded to the call joined by five other officers, so according to the article, entered the home of this San Josefamily. They did so on the premise of a “welfare” check and proceeded to remove the children.
This story, as in many others across the nation shows that officers did so without obtaining a search warrant and/or court orders to enable them to remove the children, constitutional violations, typical in cases like this. The officers then falsified claims of an emergency for justification for taking all the children out of the home.
Quoting (not in totality); Article found in San Francisco Chronicle. Here is the link.The last statement we are quoting as written; "We feel this jury verdict exposes a long-standing practice of warrant less 'snatch-and-grab' conduct by law enforcement agencies in Santa Clara County and sends a resounding message to the San Jose Police Department, as well as all other law enforcement officers in Santa Clara County," said Peter Johnson, attorney for the family. "They are on notice their unlawful conduct will not be tolerated, and officers will be held accountable."Link to this case.This writer is brilliant, he agrees with us, FPLS.One question; what happens to the caller who claimed abuse was going on? One must apply the same question of the “child abuse hotline” calls also unverified.The case C06-4029 RMW, Watson v. Craig Blank, William Hoyt and the City of San Jose, went to trial on March 23, 2011in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, San Jose Division. Here is the link.
Here is one of the views on "Impact Litigation" - ChildrenUnlimited@hotmail.com have been talking about to support. We need active engagement like this to re-open crimes against children.
San Jose, CA
Foster Parents; Lawsuit won. Unlawful child removal
just awarded 3.25 Million in damages to one family who suffered the loss of their children, unlawful seizure of their children, a victory for parents across the United States who are victims of this agency, CPS
The verdict returned unanimous against the officers who participated in this illegal removal of these children from their home. The officers responded to an unverified allegation of abuse, we do not know whether that claim was via the “child abuse hotline”
Foster Parents; Lawsuit won. Unlawful child removal
By Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Foster Parents; Lawsuit won, unlawful child removal. We, in keeping our finger on the pulse of across our nation have discovered a news story of interest to you, news affecting all parents dealing with CPS. Here, is the latest news. A federal jury in San Jose, CA. just awarded 3.25 Million in damages to one family who suffered the loss of their children, unlawful seizure of their children, a victory for parents across the United States who are victims of this agency.
The verdict returned unanimous against the officers who participated in this illegal removal of these children from their home. The officers responded to an unverified allegation of abuse, we do not know whether that claim was via the “child abuse hotline”.
The two officers responded to the call joined by five other officers, so according to the article, entered the home of this San Josefamily. They did so on the premise of a “welfare” check and proceeded to remove the children.
This story, as in many others across the nation shows that officers did so without obtaining a search warrant and/or court orders to enable them to remove the children, constitutional violations, typical in cases like this. The officers then falsified claims of an emergency for justification for taking all the children out of the home.
Quoting (not in totality); Article found in San Francisco Chronicle. Here is the link.The last statement we are quoting as written; "We feel this jury verdict exposes a long-standing practice of warrant less 'snatch-and-grab' conduct by law enforcement agencies in Santa Clara County and sends a resounding message to the San Jose Police Department, as well as all other law enforcement officers in Santa Clara County," said Peter Johnson, attorney for the family. "They are on notice their unlawful conduct will not be tolerated, and officers will be held accountable."Link to this case.This writer is brilliant, he agrees with us, FPLS.One question; what happens to the caller who claimed abuse was going on? One must apply the same question of the “child abuse hotline” calls also unverified.The case C06-4029 RMW, Watson v. Craig Blank, William Hoyt and the City of San Jose, went to trial on March 23, 2011in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, San Jose Division. Here is the link.
Here is one of the views on "Impact Litigation" - ChildrenUnlimited@hotmail.com have been talking about to support. We need active engagement like this to re-open crimes against children.
San Jose, CA
Lawsuit won. Unlawful child removal
just awarded 3.25 Million in damages to one family who suffered the loss of their children, unlawful seizure of their children, a victory for parents across the United States who are victims of this agency, CPS
The verdict returned unanimous against the officers who participated in this illegal removal of these children from their home. The officers responded to an unverified allegation of abuse, we do not know whether that claim was via the “child abuse hotline”
Foster Parents; Lawsuit won. Unlawful child removal
By Marilyn Harrison, Foster Families Examiner
Foster Parents; Lawsuit won, unlawful child removal. We, in keeping our finger on the pulse of across our nation have discovered a news story of interest to you, news affecting all parents dealing with CPS. Here, is the latest news. A federal jury in San Jose, CA. just awarded 3.25 Million in damages to one family who suffered the loss of their children, unlawful seizure of their children, a victory for parents across the United States who are victims of this agency.
The verdict returned unanimous against the officers who participated in this illegal removal of these children from their home. The officers responded to an unverified allegation of abuse, we do not know whether that claim was via the “child abuse hotline”.
The two officers responded to the call joined by five other officers, so according to the article, entered the home of this San Josefamily. They did so on the premise of a “welfare” check and proceeded to remove the children.
This story, as in many others across the nation shows that officers did so without obtaining a search warrant and/or court orders to enable them to remove the children, constitutional violations, typical in cases like this. The officers then falsified claims of an emergency for justification for taking all the children out of the home.
Quoting (not in totality); Article found in San Francisco Chronicle. Here is the link.The last statement we are quoting as written; "We feel this jury verdict exposes a long-standing practice of warrant less 'snatch-and-grab' conduct by law enforcement agencies in Santa Clara County and sends a resounding message to the San Jose Police Department, as well as all other law enforcement officers in Santa Clara County," said Peter Johnson, attorney for the family. "They are on notice their unlawful conduct will not be tolerated, and officers will be held accountable."Link to this case.This writer is brilliant, he agrees with us, FPLS.One question; what happens to the caller who claimed abuse was going on? One must apply the same question of the “child abuse hotline” calls also unverified.The case C06-4029 RMW, Watson v. Craig Blank, William Hoyt and the City of San Jose, went to trial on March 23, 2011in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, San Jose Division. Here is the link.
Guess someone finally got pissed about dyncorp and haliburton selling their kids off to Saudi Arabia into sex slavery.
Don't believe me? Look it up. I think you be shocked and disgusted.
Texas ? WAKE THE ffffffff UP--research fight CPS,Americasn family rights etc--se the SPIT OUTTA THEM and oooooh YEAH,we have to DO IT OURSELVES AS TX LAWYERS ARE BASICALLY A CARTEL and try and FIND a constitutional lawyer..
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