Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Old letter from lawyer

I was cleaning up some old papers, and I ran across this gem:
August 25, 2004
Re: Marriage of AngryDad

Dear Mr. AngryDad:

My client indicates you attempted to explain some of the tax return information to her today. Please contact me directly to discuss the financial aspects of the case. If we can reach an agreement prior to the hearing on Monday, then I would prepare a stipulation reflecting the terms of the agreement.

Specifically, please provide supporting documentation for your monthly income and your tax return deductions. I am hopeful we will reach an agreement after reviewing the documents and hearing your explanation for the numbers listed on the tax returns. Do not give the documents directly to Ms. AngryDad. Do not discuss this matter with Ms. AngryDad. The court encouraged you to communicate with me, not Ms. AngryDad, to resolve these issues.

I look forward to your call.

Very truly yours,
Jennifer J. Gray
JJG:cs cc: client

My ex-wife is a lawyer, and I cannot explain my tax figures to her?!

It was a little difficult to communicate with my wife when her own lawyer was telling her not to talk to me. And no, the court was never so foolish as to tell me not to talk to my wife.

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