I mentioned the Bill Lockyer wife story in
Feb. and
Sept. of 2012.The San Jose newspaper now
California state Treasurer Bill Lockyer's differences with his estranged wife, former Alameda County Supervisor Nadia Lockyer, might not be so irreconcilable after all.
The 71-year-old mainstay of state Democratic politics this week withdrew divorce papers he had filed last July against his 41-year-old wife, whose methamphetamine addiction and extramarital affair ended her political career and could have stained his.
"could have stained his"? His career is definitely stained.
"I thank my husband and family for their unwavering support. Bill and I agree reconciliation would be best for Diego (their 9-year-old son) and for us, and we're committed to reaching that goal," she said. "Addicts cannot achieve a safe and healthy life unless we take responsibility for our actions and conquer our addiction first. I pray that all addicts who are also victims of abuse, violence and exploitation find inspiration in my story."
find inspiration in my story?! Is she kidding? Here is her story:
Nadia Lockyer recently finished a 180-day residential drug treatment program she had entered after her Aug. 28 arrest in Orange County. Police were tipped that she had drugs in the home where she was staying with Diego. Officers found a tube of aluminum foil with a burned end, and when they met Lockyer later that day, she showed signs of being under the influence of drugs.
She was charged with felony methamphetamine possession and three misdemeanors: being under the influence of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, and child abuse and endangerment.
Her Thursday morning court appearance in Santa Ana was continued until March 30, Stokke said, adding that "the court said she was doing very well in her treatment program."
Nadia Lockyer early last year claimed Stephen Chikhani of San Jose had attacked her in a Newark hotel room, but the state Justice Department investigated and eventually declined to charge him with any crime. As details emerged about Lockyer's lengthy affair with Chikhani and their drug use, she resigned her supervisorial seat last April.
The woman was married to the
California attorney general and she was meeting a meth addict in a seedy hotel for rough sex instead of taking care of their 8yo son? I am usually in favor of ignoring minor faults and keeping joint custody, but she is unworthy of the forgiveness that she has gotten from her husband.
One commenter on the Merc site summed it up in two words: "Hot mess."
Since they've managed to stay married longer than you plus me, what business is it of ours if they stay together? She resigned her seat as county supervisor. She's lucky not to have been prosecuted for the false charges against her paramour.
Another great story is married Assemblyman Roger Hernandez getting arrested for DUI on the way to check into a hotel at 2 a.m. with Kaiser Permanente lobbyist Darcie Green. His (successful) defense? Only spending $24 on the bar tab for both of them. Cheap date.
You're right, his forgiveness is none of my business. I did not say that Lockyer was wrong to forgive her; I only said that she did not deserve the forgiveness.
Lockyer was the top law enforcement official in California. His wife was also active in DV politics. Their policies have caused a lot of harm to a lot of families. So their personal lives are of some public interest.
As a follow-up, Darcie Green resigned on March 19 as a member of the Santa Clara County Board of Education.
Two idiots. Now she is pregnant again with twins. Gee do you think these kids will turn out well? NOT!
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