Thursday, May 03, 2012

Slut's boyfriend gets court-ordered counseling

Here is yesterday's bad advice:
Dear Annie: Our daughter is 42 years old and divorced. For the past two years, she has been seeing "Matt." We accepted him and welcomed him at our numerous family gatherings.

Several weeks ago, our daughter drank too much at a party and ended up in bed with another man. Needless to say, Matt became quite angry. But he went into a rampage. He threw bricks through her car windows, punched her in the eye and showed up at our doorstep to cuss her out. He also confronted her kids.

We strongly advised her to end the relationship. But after Matt calmed down, he apologized, went for court-ordered counseling and now attends AA. So our daughter has started seeing him again.

... How should we handle this? — Concerned Parents

Dear Concerned: ... Please urge your daughter to contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for information (, and to give Matt plenty of time to prove himself before she becomes too entangled. Her life may depend on it.

I was going to urge Matt to contact the National Dump Sluts Hotline, and to make the daughter prove herself be he becomes too entangled with a whore.

In another age, the daughter would be sent to church-ordered spiritual counseling and not allowed to drink with strange men. She would be ashamed at the the poor example that she is setting for her kids. Her community would tell her that she must behave better if she wants to keep a man. The court would give her kids back to the father because the mom is leading an immoral lifestyle.

I suppose I should be happy that modern feminism has duped women into believing that they are entitled to sexual freedom. It means that there is a never-ending supply of divorced women who can be seduced by buying them a couple of drinks. Even women with boyfriends are sexually available.

If my seduction destroys a marriage or relationship, no one will blame me. If anyone talks to the authorities, the court will issue a restraining order to further destroy the marriage or relationship.

I am just describing social trends that are destroying the family. I am not trying to justify domestic violence, but this women probably had no one else to tell her that she was doing wrong. Deep down, she is probably glad that Matt said what no one else would tell her, and she desperately wants a man who cares about her. She probably also regrets leaving her husband, even tho all her feminist friends cheered her for gaining the autonomy of a single mom. No one encourages her to date Matt.

W.F. Price writes in an essay on the popular Spearhead blog:

Marriage rates dropping precipitously, men taking path of least resistance and dropping out, illegitimacy skyrocketing, class divisions hardening, children growing up fatherless and with fewer options. For most of us, it’s been quite negative.

I wish I could say there was a solution to the problem, but it looks pretty hopeless. The alternative to what used to be seen as bad sex – marriage – has been all but destroyed by the liberation of female sexuality and the redefinition of marriage as little more than a federal tax status; a sort of very risky corporation with arbitrary rules. The result is that for men, there is really no such thing as “good sex,” that is, socially-approved sex — it’s a risk no matter what. Furthermore, a society in which the overwhelming majority of women are fornicators gives men no choice; you just aren’t getting a wife in the traditional sense of the word, so why bother with marriage?

He is right. Ultimately, women will learn that they have made a great mistake, but that lesson may take decades.


Greg said...

Both acted deplorably. Probably for the best that they both move on and learn from their mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Ultimately, Christians will learn that they have made a great mistake -- putting their faith in the church, accepting as truth myths like immaculate conception, believing in papal infallibility, etc. -- but that lesson may take millenia. Stupidity is stupidity.