Monday, June 27, 2005

Demonstrating a certain arrogance

I just got a batch of papers from my wife's lawyer attacking me. Jennifer Gray says:
F. [The court-approved evaluator] goes to some length to describe both children as gifted, intellectual, and displaying a maturity beyond their years. However, her report also describes a father who demonstrates a pattern of self-aggrandizement through the performances of his children. Neustadter describes one child as reading a book during the observation session. Although her description of this “performance” is a rave review, she also states that the book reading was “... prompted by father.” She further states: “He was beaming with pride to show off their talents, their intelligence, and secondarily, how he contributed to their development.” Taken as a whole, these comments again demonstrate a certain arrogance, and focus on the children’s abilities to perform, as a means of impressing others of his self-proclaimed parenting skills.
I taught my child to read. It was a lot of work to teach her, and yes, I am proud of her and how well she learned. Only a lesbian divorce lawyer would call this "arrogance".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is some serious bullshit!

I wonder if that trend shows up on all her reports for men. And when I say 'wonder' I mean, 'typical woman bullshit'.
