Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Finally saw school shrink letter

Yesterday, I finally got to see this Nov. 23, 2007 letter from William L. Rosse:
I am a school psychologist for the Mountain Elementary School District in Soquel, California. ... http://angrydad.blogspot.com/ ... blog contains direct references and identifying information concerning you, Ms. Sally Mitchell of Child Protective Services, and other individuals, including me. Considering some of the language that is found in this blog, I felt that it would be prudent to insure that you are aware of its existence. When I contacted your office recently, Mr. Steve Carlton requested that I communicate this information to you in writing. Please feel free to contact me at the number listed above if I may be of any additional service with regard to this matter.
This blog is public, and Mr. Rosse is free to read it or complain about it. But I do object to him writing a letter to a judge about it, and marking it "confidential". It was an attempt to illegally meddle in my divorce case.

Even worse, the family court encouraged the letter and accepted it into the case file. It is a basic fact about American justice that judges are only supposed to see evidence that has been introduced by a party to case, and shown to both parties.

Will Rosse could have notified my ex-wife about the blog, and let her notify the court with notice to me. Or he could have complained to me if he thought that there was something improper about the blog. If he thought that something was illegal about the blog, he could have notified the DA, or sued me. But he did none of those things. His letter does not even allege that anything is improper about the blog.

The family court not only accepted the letter, but a family court official encouraged Mr. Rosse to write the letter. There is no excuse for that. Cmr. Joseph has admitted that it would have been improper for him to look at the blog outside of court. So why did his office collect info about the blog outside of court?

The other irregular thing was that Cmr. Joseph issued some sort of secret order to have the letter put in a special manila envelope that I was not allowed to inspect. There is nothing the slightest bit confidential about the letter, except that Mr. Rosse put the word "confidential" on it. The manila envelope has some other psychologist reports in it, such as Rorschach ink-blot analyses, but nothing that would surprise any regular readers of this blog. All of the reports had been released to my ex-wife and me, except for the Will Rosse letter.

I had asked Cmr. Joseph for permission to see the manila envelope contents a couple
of times. He said yes, but the clerk would not take my word for it. She had to call him up at home to confirm it. I had thought that Cmr. Joseph was assigned to another court, but apparently he is on some sort of extended leave of absence. I am sure that there is more to the story, but I don't know it.


Anonymous said...

It's called freedom of speech, man! I believe you have a constitutional right to write whatever you want on this blog.

George said...

Yes, I certainly have a right to write about what happens in open court. Rosse has no right to file confidential complaints to the court.