Friday, September 05, 2008

Response from state task force

I just got this email response to my comment, posted earlier:
Thank you for taking the time to share your public comments and experiences with the Elkins Family Law Task Force.

Please feel free to e-mail any specific suggestions for improving the family court process or any additional comments you wish to share with the task force at: Your correspondence will be made available to the task force at subsequent meetings, which are open to the public; therefore, your correspondence to the task force will not be considered confidential in nature. For more information, please see the Elkins Family Law Task Force web page at where proposed proposals and recommendations will be posted in the future along with any other updates:

We greatly appreciate your interest and efforts in helping to improve our family court process.

Staff for the Center for Families, Children & the Courts
Judicial Council of California - Administrative Office of the Courts
"Serving the courts for the benefit of all Californians"
I suggest that others send comments. If I get additional info about the task force, I will post it.


Anonymous said...

Mothers get angry too - there is a gender bias about parental alienation and all the shenanigans that go on - my ex husband has totally replaced me with his second wife and they have had all the rights in my case. They have gotten all the assets and now my child. There has been domestic violence perpetrated by him - he left and acts like he is the injured party. His second wife loves this stuff too. Be careful not to alienate female parents who get the quadruple divorce whammy as a result of doing the right thing. I made sure my child knew his father despite ex leaving while I was pregnant - murphy's law - no good deed went unpunished. I have experienced a lot of gender bias & preconceived notions. Some fathers cause the problems too. My son has suffered the most and I am totally alienated from him for 14 months due to his father's perjured OSC and a corrupt & or biased male judge, second wife minor's counsel, and incompetent marriage and family therapist. The kids suffer so much - why does it have to be ugly? Why can't judges put an end to it? My case is 4 volumes and I have only taken him to court 4 times in 14 years. I'm sorry but the way i see it is that legal personnel benefit financially from all of it and that needs to stop too.

Anonymous said...

It was recommended San Diego be dropped from the Elkins Task Force.

and later,

Recently exposed yet another, phony degreed "professional."

See home page and "Stephen Doyne."