Saturday, November 15, 2008

The whole basis of family law would be undermined

The 2002 movie Evelyn was just on TV. When the Irish angry dad talks about suing to get his kids back from an orphanage, he hears this line:
You'll lose, because if you were to win this case, the whole basis of family law would be undermined. And believe me, gentlemen, that will not be allowed to happen.
A couple of months ago, a court psychologist said something similar about my appeal, with less hyperbole:
[George's appeal brief] reiterates the major points of this extended case and questions the legality of some common procedures in child custody litigation.
Yes, I am questioning the legality of some common procedures. I guess I hope that the appellate court thinks that I am undermining the whole basis of family law, or else they may not want to allow that to happen.

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