Sunday, July 06, 2008

Waiting on sloppy court reporters

I saw the list of excuses that the court reporter gave for being a couple of months late with the transcripts. She claimed that she was busy doing other cases that were more important than mine, and that her computer was in the repair shop for a couple of weeks. She also complained about getting mugged, going on vacation, and moving her office to Watsonville.

These excuses seem pretty lame to me. She should lighten her workload if she cannot keep up with demand for transcripts. Her delays resulted in me not seeing my kids for two additional months.

Independently, the appeals court just said that I could ask for a 15-day delay because another court reporter botched up her transcript. She retired and moved to Washington State where she does not seem to have email. I think that it might take more that 15 days for her to get her act together, so I am not going to wait.

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