Thursday, June 25, 2015

Gays getting protection for the kids

The liberal press is getting all excited about the coming Supreme Court mandate for same-sex marriage. AP reports:
As same-sex marriage spreads, ranks of gay dads increase
Gay couples continue adopting more, closing gap with lesbian couples

More so than heterosexual couples or lesbians, who can bear their own children, gay men face high hurdles en route to parenthood. The two main avenues open to them — adoption or surrogacy — can be costly and complicated.

“They have to go out of their way to become fathers,” said Nancy Mezey, a sociology professor at Monmouth University who has studied gay parents.

By the tens of thousands, gay men are choosing to do just that. And as they celebrate Father’s Day this year, they can anticipate that their ranks will continue to swell if the U.S. Supreme Court, in a ruling due later this month, legalizes same-sex marriage nationwide.

A decade ago, it was far more common for lesbians to be raising children than for gay men. The gap remains, but is closing.

Gary Gates, an expert on gay and lesbian demography with the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute, estimates that there are about 40,000 gay male couples in the U.S. who are raising children, and roughly three times as many lesbian couples who are doing so.

How are the gay dads doing? At this point, there’s relatively little long-term research comparing outcomes of children raised by gay fathers to the outcomes of other children.
If nothing else, this should provide some data on how well men do child-rearing. I am betting that they do better than the lesbians.
In Dec. 20, 2013, as they were in the process of adopting their second child, change came suddenly. U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby, in a ruling that was soon echoed in numerous other states, struck down Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage.

Clark, who received a text message with the news, was excited yet worried that the opportunity to wed might be brief. He called Mark at work with a question, “Do you want to go get married?”

“We wanted to get it done in the window,” Clark said. “We had our kids. We wanted protection for them.”
Protection for the kids? Isn't that sweet! I think that they are in for some surprises if they split up and learn exactly how that "protection" works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Protection??? From the family court???


Oh my! They will have a rude awakening for sure...