Monday, March 31, 2008

My check was returned

I just found out that the court reporters are supposed to finish my transcripts by April 14. After that, the local court clerk will assemble the record for the appellate court, and I will be able to submit a appeal brief (ie, 40-page written argument) that cites the court record.

Today the court is closed because of the Cesar Chavez holiday.

I sent another check to the Appeals Clerk, but I got this envelope returned to me. Isn't 41 cents the correct first class postage? I don't get it. Maybe someday the courts will not be so dependent on the postal system. The courts take deadlines very seriously, so postal mistakes can cause a lot of trouble.

A reader sends this AP story:
Former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman was released on bond from a federal prison Friday, saying he remains upbeat despite serving nine months for corruption. ...

A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that Siegelman should be released while he appeals his conviction. ...

The appeals process had been delayed for months after the court reporter during the trial died and the transcript was not completed as it normally would have.
I hope none of the court reporters die!

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