Saturday, May 20, 2006

Late brief arrived today

I just got a PETITIONERS RESPONSE TO RESPONDENT'S OPPOSITION BRIEF TO MOTION FOR ATTORNEY FEES in my mailbox today. The hearing was on Thursday, two days ago!

This is a new low. There is a "proof of service" where someone named Darrell Moon swore that it was mailed in Monterey on May 11. It was postmarked in San Jose on May 19. Our hearing was on the morning of May 18.

My guess is that the court got its copy on time. I would have liked to rebut what said at our hearing. I am finding it really hard to believe that it took the US Postal Service nine days to send a letter from one side of the bay to the other.

The brief says:
Mr. AngryDad understands the rules of court better than many attorneys; he also knows that since he isn't an attorney, he is not bound by ethics or even held to comply with the Rules of Civil Procedure. He understands that the negative consequences for misbehavior as an in propria persona litigant are minimal. Mr. AngryDad has also learned how to negotiate the system so as to force his opponents and the judges to do his legal work.
It would be nice if that were really true.

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