Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lack of adverse evidence in my case

I explained this to the appeals court:
No witness has testified that 50-50 custody would be unsatisfactory.
No witness has testified that I ever committed any single act of abuse.
No witness has testified that there is any physical abuse, sexual abuse, or child neglect.
No witness has testified that I am associated with alcoholism, drug abuse, domestic violence, psychological disorder, or other character defect.
No witness has testified that Julie is any better parent than I am.
No witness has testified that the kids have been harmed in any way.
No witness has testified that the kids have any behavior problems that are attributable to me.
No one has ever explained any better way to treat kids than what I have done.
No one has argued that there has been any change of circumstances since our trial in 2005.
No witness said that I needed counseling, or that more evaluations would do any good.
I think that the appeals court was taken aback by this, and immediately offered my ex-wife a chance to refute it. But she could not.

We had eight expert evaluations. There were a lot of petty gripes about things like how I set the alarm clock, but no one explained what was wrong with how I set the alarm clock or how I could do a better job of setting the alarm clock. No evaluator or witness ever said that there was anything wrong with 50-50 custody of our kids.


Anonymous said...

I just feel it is a totally petty issue as to the alarm clock - it sounds like they are clutching at straws. What next? Wrong type of toilet paper? Good luck George.

George said...

I did not have any complaints about toliet paper. Please don't give them any ideas!